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Scouting & Recruitment

There are a lot of scouting tools on the market, but because they are often default for each user they lose their added value for specific scouting & recruitment needs. 

At MyGamePlan we aim for a custom approach, based on our framework to measure specific game aspects with the combination of multiple event & tracking data sources.

Player Profiles

Before the scouting & recruitment process starts, you need to know what you are scouting for. Therefore we support you in creating an individual player profile per position.

Scouting Profiles

Scouting profiles are different from player profiles because you don't know the role of the player with his current team, therefore we create Scouting Profiles. 

Scouting Profiles check if the player has the tactical, physical and mental requirements to be an added value for your squad.

Filter and Scout

You can use our filtering system to narrow down your list of shadow players. Because all data points are connected to video you can immediately scout the players' performance. 

Find profiles.png

Track the progress

Consistency in performance is important with transfer targets. Therefore we make sure you can track the progress of your transfer targets of tactical, physical, and mental attributes you value.

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